The Migraine Trust is the largest research and support charity for people affected by migraine in the UK. Our role is to fund and promote new research into migraine, provide day-to-day support for people affected by migraine, and campaign for change.
Since we were founded in 1965, we have funded over 130 medical research projects that have improved our understanding of migraine and encouraged new researchers into the field. We hold an international symposium every two years, bringing together the world’s leading experts on migraine and headache to share latest research findings and discuss current trends in treatment and prevention.
The next Migraine Trust International Symposium (MTIS) will be in London on 8-11 September 2022. We also provide evidence-based information and support on all aspects of migraine and help people with migraine experiencing difficulties at work, in education, or in accessing healthcare services via our website and our information and advocacy helplines. Every year over two million people visit our website and over 2,300 people receive support through our helplines.
We campaign for national policy change to improve the lives of people affected by migraine. We are currently developing a ‘State of the Migraine Nation’ report that aims to explore the challenges and opportunities facing the migraine community today and identify priorities for future change across the UK.
To learn more about the latest in migraine research and treatment, the support we provide, and how you can get involved in the work of our charity, please subscribe to our monthly e-bulletin by clicking here or visiting the homepage of our website at
Migraine Trust International Symposium (MTIS)
MTIS is a wholly owned subsidiary of The Migraine Trust and is the world’s longest established headache conference since its inception in 1976. We have always strived to unite clinicians and scientists interested in headache together at a meeting run by our most important stakeholders: headache patients, particularly those with migraine, and those who care for them. Discoveries in mechanisms, new treatments and impacts of migraine affect all attendees, so our meetings have always attracted an international audience and the under-pinning of a solid patient-driven organisation - The Migraine Trust.
Prof Peter Goadsby
Wendy Thomas
Prof Fayyaz Ahmed
Dr Shazia Afridi